Overcoming Endosomal Entrapment in Oligonucleotide Delivery

Time: 1:00 pm
day: Conference Day 1


  • Explore the challenges of endosomal entrapment in delivering oligonucleotide payloads and the critical role of endosomal escape enhancers in maximising intracellular delivery and therapeutic efficacy
  • Discuss the evolution of antibody-oligonucleotide conjugates as promising modalities for RNA therapies, and the imperative of enhancing endosomal escape for effective delivery beyond hepatic targets
  • Showcasing a diverse portfolio of proof-of-concept studies demonstrating the efficacy of endosomal escape enhancers in facilitating intracellular release of oligonucleotide payloads, paving the way for transformative therapeutics with the potential to revolutionize patient care
